Before I celebrated Christmas, APC sent us SoM students off to our Christmas break with its term ending English competitions. These are the Public Speaking Competition, Ignite Speech Competition, and the Speech Choir Competition. I technically participated in all of these competitions but was only officially listed in two. Even though I/we did not win any of these competitions, we did bag all second places so its still a win/win/win scenario for us.
Let me talk about the Public Speaking part first. I was chosen as 1 of the 6 in our class to participate in the said contest. I did not make it past the elimination round but since this is my blog and I can pretty much say what I wanted to say in here, let me brag a little. I think, wait, since I am bragging, let me rephrase it, I KNOW that I have a shot at least in the top 3 in the final round if I have memorized my speech, but sadly due to being overly excited for the Christmas break, ( and for the fact that I took this competition for granted by making my speech only the day before the competition). I read my speech which I KNOW cost me the spot in the final round. I did regret after but what you reap is what you sow I guess. Shoutout to my adorable classmate Eno Mejico for placing second.

Next is the Ignite Speech part. This is the part which I technically participated in since I did my own Ignite speech as my finals for Public Speaking 1. Out of the many that can be considered to be our class representative for the contest, it was my homie Jelee "Bean" Llarenas who got chosen. To be honest, if I was the one who gets to decide who will represent MA151, I wont choose her since I believe it was her topic, not her presentation that got her the spot for the contest. But she proved me wrong when she got on stage for the said competition. Our professors did a good job choosing her and in my eyes, I believe, wait, I KNOW that she should have won that damn contest. Again, Congratulations to you Jelee ACE aka The Soldier's daughter!

Last is the Speech Choir Contest. This is the culmination of MA151's hardwork and dedication into becoming as one and united class. We did have our ups and downs leading to this event but I can say that it was all worth it in the end. Even though we did not win it outright, you, yes you MA151 are the real winners in my heart!
As I move to a new block next term, I want to thank all of my classmates in MA151 for giving me a wonderful first term in APC. I love you all guys!